According to Beck (1967, 1974), depression results from a ne
According to Beck (1967, 1974), depression results from a ne.
According to Beck (1967, 1974), depression results from a negative thinking style that alters the way people screen, differentiate, and code their environments. On the other hand, Seligman s (1975) theory of the learned components of depression describes the factors of learned helplessness.Utilizing Google scholar, find one article that addresses the key components of Beck s theory of depression and one article that addresses Seligman s theory of learned helplessness. Compare and contrast these two theories. Make sure you address issues of cognitive distortions, cognitive schemas, genetic predispositions; neurotransmitters involved in depression, pessimism, and learned helplessness. Which theory resonates for you? Why?References:Beck, A. T. (1967). Depression: Clinical, experimental, and theoretical aspects. New York, NY: Harper & Row.Beck, A. T. (1974). The development of depression: A cognitive model. In R. Friedman & M. Katz (Ed.), Psychology of Depression: Contemporary Theory and Research (pp. 3 27). Washington, DC: V. H. Winston & Sons.Seligman, M. E. P. (1975). Learned helplessness: Depression, development, and death. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman & Company.
According to Beck (1967, 1974), depression results from a ne
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