A manufacturer of computer chips hasa computer hardware comp

A manufacturer of computer chips hasa computer hardware comp.
A manufacturer of computer chips hasa computer hardware company as its largest customer. The computer hardwarecompany requires all of its chips to meet specifications of 1.2 cm. Thevice-president of manufacturing, concerned about a possible loss of sales,assigns his production manager the task of ensuring that chips are produced tomeet the specification of 1.2 cm. Based on the production run from last month, a 95% confidence interval wascomputed for the mean length of a computer chip resulting in: 95% confidence interval: (0.9 cm, 1.1 cm)What are the elements that the production managershould consider in determining his company s ability to produce chips thatmeet specifications?Do the chips produced meet the desired specifications?What reasons should the production manager provide tothe vice-president to justify that the production team is meetingspecifications?How will this decision impact the chip manufacturer ssales and net profit?
A manufacturer of computer chips hasa computer hardware comp

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