Solution-Possible causes of parkinson disease and alzheimer | Homework Help

PART I: Short Response Questions

Directions: Using proper APA format, please write a response to each of the following questions that is two to three paragraphs in length. Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA guidelines.

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1. What are some possible causes of Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease? What are some treatment options, if any?

2. List the functional regions of the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes.

3. Name the general senses found in the skin or subcutaneous tissue and list the type of stimuli to which each of them responds.

4. Explain why the smell of a “doctor’s office” or the smell of turkey cooking on Thanksgiving can easily generate an emotional response.

5. Gigantism and acromegaly have the same cause; what is the cause and what causes the difference in effect between the two conditions?

6. What is the cause of diabetes insipidus? What are the signs and symptoms of the condition?

7. What are the signs and symptoms of Cushing syndrome? What are the signs and symptoms of AIDison disease?

8. Why is a goiter usually more of a dietary problem rather than an endocrine problem?

PART II: Case Study

Directions: Please answer each of the case study questions below. Ensure that your responses are detailed and that each response is at least one half of a page to one page in length. Please use proper APA format. If necessary, please cite any sources. You may also utilize LIRN for your research. Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA and LIRN guidelines.

1. Mr. Collins is a 60-year-old patient who was in a car accident earlier in the day. After an examination, the physician determines that Mr. Collins sustained no physical injuries, although the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate are elevated. Mr. Collins reports that at the time of the accident he felt a high level of fear and he noticed that he had goose bumps and was sweating profusely. Currently, he reports feeling constipated. Explain the mechanics of Mr. Collins’s physiological reaction to the stressful experience of an automobile accident and describe the division of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for Mr. Collins’s symptoms.

2. Mr. Scialello, a computer programmer, has presbyopia. He finds reading glasses inconvenient and wants to know if surgery will improve his condition.

3. At her last visit, Mrs. Westfall complained of recent weight gain and an overall feeling of sluggishness. Her blood work indicates that she has myxedema. What can you tell her about this condition?


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