Solution-Nucleus to cytoplasm to accomplish viral mrna | Homework Help

The Rev protein of HIV virus normally shuttles back and forth from nucleus to cytoplasm to accomplish viral mRNA export. In the presence of broad spectrum antib otic leptomycin B, Rev is found exclusively in the nucleus (see image in B). Which of the statement indicate a possible way by which leptomycin B might alter the distribution of Rev.

A. Leptomycin B could inactivate the nuclear import receptor

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B. Leptomycin B could bind to a component of nuclear pore complex

C. Leptomycin B could bind to Ran GTP to promote its conversion to Ran G D P

D. Leptomycin B could bind to nuclear localization signal of Rev

E Leptomycin B could bind to Ran GDP to promoter its conversio n to Ran GTP


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