Solution-Discussion of an individual | Homework Help
AIDiction is not only a personal issue, but it has potentially profound impacts on those with whom the individual comes into contact, particularly family members. This activity will expose you to a discussion of an individual who was affected by a family member’s aIDictive behavior.
Review the following websites related to family impacts:
- Ackerman, R. J. (n.d.). Alcoholism and the family [PDF file size 77.2 KB]. National Association for Children of Alcoholics. Retrieved from
- National Institute of Health (2005). Module 10 J: Alcohol and the family. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Retrieved from
Then, review the following video:
- Films Media Group. (Producer). (1990). Codependent relationships. [Video file] [06 min 28 sec]. In Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Family Secret. Retrieved from
- After reviewing the assigned reading and the video, discuss the following questions:
- How has aIDiction affected family members?
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