Rothenberg Article | Homework Help

Rothenberg Article

Rothenberg Article
Rothenberg’s work tries to bring to light the vagueness surrounding mental illness in defined populations or groups of people. In particular, the work seeks to reveal the manner in which popular culture has stereotyped particular groups as either depressed or mad. For instance, the claims regarding bipolar illness among creative individuals have gained popularity in the last two decades. The article tries to explain that even though this disorder has been reliably diagnosed in people working in creative fields (such as writers, artists), supportive research to substantiate such claims is lacking. In essence, the article sends the message that the said association between creativity and mental disorders such as bipolar illness is a mystery (Rothenberg, 2001). In aIDition, people often forget that the notion of an association between mental disorder and creativity dates back to Aristotle’s era when philosophists insinuated that creators (including poets and artists) have tendencies towards melancholia. Nevertheless, even as people think of the supposedly intrinsic association between the two, concrete supportive research and or evidence are necessary to substantiate the claims (Miklowitz, 2011). Altogether, I think the article does an excellent job in quelling the grapevine which seemingly borders certainty. The whole issue has been amplified to suit specific cases, and the article sets the record straight; it is insane to picture the genesis of highest intellectual capacity on abnormalities of any form.
The article relates to topics in the textbook by explaining that mental disorders such as bipolar illness and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) are rather complex. As a matter of fact, a conclusion about them can only be reached following a full evaluation over an extended period. The topics in the textbook denote the need for consideration of each case rather than generalizing the issue. Indeed, several processes are involved, and healthy mental processes can only contribute to creative thinking. Depression and increased levels of stress are only part of the big picture that is likely to happen to an individual before she or he develops PTSD, mood disorders and bipolar disorder (Luger, 2010). The information in the textbook is straightforward and bipolar disorder cannot be associated with healthy mental processes, but the opposite. In aIDition, the topics in the textbook reveal the different symptoms and characteristics found in people with mental disorders. They should not be confused with creativity or being able to perform functions/duties well. The textbook also shows that mental disorders such as bipolar disorder affects and/or alters cognitive processes required for positive creativity.
Certainly, Rothenberg’s article raised a number of interesting questions, including whether or not creativity leads to mental illness. Creative persons are generally known for their critical thinking, and this can often contribute to stress or depression. If not properly managed, stress or depression levels could increase leading to mental disorders. The actual process involved throughout creative thinking can overload an individual’s mind thus causing stress and depression. The insinuation that creative individuals do quite well after they receive treatment for their mental disorders also brings out an interesting question. One wonders whether all creative persons have mental disorders. What is more, there is a question about whether or not the type of creativity matters. Artistic professions including writing and poetry have been said to have considerably more cases of mental disorders than in less artistic professions (Andreasen, 1987). Is it prejudice and bias against some professions, and the general society thinking that creators (poets, playwrights, writers, artists) think way too much? On the whole, it is tricky to fathom the logic presented in the article and users may end up raising more questions.
The article has several implications for the field of psychology in general and society at large. For instance, in studying individuals suffering from mental disorders, psychologists should look beyond obvious causative agents. The article shows that they ought to understand that mental disorder cases are like any other disease, and should be handled singularly. Generalizing a case just because one or two persons have been found to have a mental disorder in relation to causative agents certainly misses the point. Rather, a proper evaluation is necessary in psychology, and professionals in the field must recognize this according to the article. All in all, conclusive information is necessary in dealing with psychological disorders. In aIDition, the disorder is likely to affect the manner in which they relate with others in society since it affects the cognitive and emotional side of a person (Anglada & Hakal, 2007).
Undoubtedly, persons with bipolar disorders should be told to seek treatment even when they do not desire it. As mentioned earlier, bipolar disorder is known to upset the cognitive and emotional processes of an individual. For this reason, persons with bipolar disorders ought to be encouraged to seek treatment because this is an illness that is likely to affect their behavior or work.

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Andreasen, N. (1987). Creativity and Mental Illness: Prevalence Rates in Writers and Their First Degree Relatives. American Journal of Psychiatry 144:1288–1292.
Anglada T., & Hakal S. (2007). Childhood Bipolar Disorder Answer Book. Chicago: Sourcebooks, Inc. Print.
Luger, S. (2010). Flood, Salt and Sacrifice: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Genesis. Vol. 38, No. 2, 2010.
Miklowitz, D. (2011). The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, Second Edition. USA: Guilford Press. Print.
Rothenberg, A. (2001). Bipolar Illness, Creativity, and Treatment. Psychiatric Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 2, 200.


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