Quantitative Research Method assignment

Quantitative Research Method assignment


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Quantitative Research Method assignment
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There are two question Please answer the 2 questions no more than 500words for each question.


ANSWER THE TWO Questions below,


  • Evaluate the contributions and utility of sampling? According to Quantitative Research Method

2-  Select how features of quantitative designs advance and / or limit human rights research According to Quantitative Research Method


Instruction to answer the two questions:

Times roman 10font. Double spaced


1-   Please answer the question with clear, consistent and logical analyses

2-   Make sure the answer are related and talking about Quantitative Research Mthod

3-   Make sure you read the required reading so you can answer the following question

Question 1 you have to read chapter Alan Bryman and Edward Bell (2019): Chapter 6

Question 2 you have to read chapter Alan Bryman and Edward Bell (2019): Chapter 14.

4-   I will attachtwo-word docs that will also help you they are notes on these two questions.

5-   Please make sure these two questions are answered in relation to the question.




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