outline 3 articles and write brief abstracts


3 articles  If you are interested, find a peer-reviewed article in an anthropological journal published in 2017, 2018, 2019, or 2020. You can earn up to 10 points of extra credit if you then outline the article (minimum one page) and write a brief abstract (maximum one page). The outline should identify the primary thesis/point statement of the article and the supporting arguments. This should be organized with roman numerals. (I. A. a. b. c. B. a. b. C. a. b. II. A. a. b. B. a. b. III. A. B. C. IV. A. B. etc.). Look at sample abstracts in the journal you are using and research what an abstract is if you are unsure. Make sure that a complete and correct citation for the article you are reviewing is included and format the assignment in either APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian style. The MSU libraries website has an A-B list of journals you can search. There are many anthropology journals. You can also use Google Scholar, though some of those articles may be behind a paywall. You can always request a copy of articles you find on Google through our library. You may do this for up to four articles, making for a total of 40 possible extra credit points. I will create a submission portal on blackboard. This will check your assignment against a database for plagiarism, so please don’t do that and end up hurting your grade instead of helping it. 🙂

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outline 3 articles and write brief abstracts
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