implications of legalizing prostitution in Canada


Students are to prepare an extensive Written Analysis of an Academic (Peer Reviewed) Journal Article. The goal is to have students put their analysis into their own words (i.e., paraphrase). Students must write this assignment entirely in own words, and following the appropriate APA, giving credit to the author(s) for their ideas using in-text citations. This article must be no more than 10-years-old and no less than five (5) pages in length, not including the Title page and the author’s References. Article Summary: (Worth 4 points) approximately one (1) full page or more to answer effectively these questions. This section has four (4) sections students must address: Students must summarize the journal article in their own words – using in-text citations. 1) Why did the researcher(s) write and publish this Journal Article (i.e., what did the author want to share and why); 2) What question(s) did the researcher(s) set out to ask and answer; 3) What existing or previous research did the researcher(s) discuss in his Literature Review; and, 4) What are the main points and the conclusions the researcher(s) made in their paper? B. Critical Analysis of Journal Article: (Worth 8 points) approximately one (1) full page or more to answer effectively these questions. This section has four (4) sections students must address: 1) Evidence: a) Discuss whether the author used scientific or non-scientific evidence; (Be sure to explain the difference between scientific or non-scientific evidence; b) What was the nature of the evidence presented? Was the evidence empirical; and, c) What is their level of analysis did the author employ (e.g. macro/micro); 2) Point of View/Theoretical Perspective/Biases All researcher(s) have a point of view, a theoretical perspective and personal biases as they approach their study. These may be stated explicitly (i.e., directly) or they may state quite implicitly (i.e., indirectly) through their argument(s). a) What was the authors’ personal point of view (i.e., what general impression did the author try to convey to his readers about was happening that motivated their research); b) What theoretical approach did the author appear to take (e.g. Conflict Theory, Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, Feminism, Post-modernism, etc.); and, c) Did the author show any person biases? (Authors will sometime unknowingly show us their shortcomings by drawing out attention to certain aspects while failing to recognize other sides of an issue) FORMAT SENT THROUGH PHOTOS ATTACHED

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