How have historical institutions, such as the asylum, the workhouse and the prison, shaped contemporary medicines understanding of ˜mental disorders’ | Homework Help

How have historical institutions, such as the asylum, the workhouse and the prison, shaped contemporary medicines understanding of ˜mental disorders’ How have historical institutions, such as the asylum, the workhouse and the prison, shaped contemporary medicines understanding of ˜mental disorders’? Critically discuss this question using the theoretical frameworks on mental health issues or learning disabilities. Knowledge The ability to critically evaluate the relationship between illness, impairment, disability and the social environment. Skills The skills to identify and evaluate an analytical account of the development of contemporary medicine as an institution of power and control. The ability to acquire skills to collate and synthesize both empirical and theoretical information using sociologically informed explanations.

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How have historical institutions, such as the asylum, the workhouse and the prison, shaped contemporary medicines understanding of ˜mental disorders’ | Homework Help
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