Healthcare Security, Privacy, & Compliance | Homework Help

MIS 565 Healthcare Security, Privacy, & Compliance – Topic Paper #3


Select from one of the three topics provided and write a topic paper based on the criteria provided below.  Students may select a topic of their own choosing, but the topic must pre-approved by the course instructor.  There are a total of three (3) topic papers due during this course and comprises 30% of your overall grade.  Each topic paper should be 6-8 pages in length.

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The topic paper should be 6-8 pages in length (double-spaced); not including the title page, abstract/summary/conclusion page, appendices, and works cited page(s).

Each topic paper should be researched with no fewer than five (5) references from at least five (5) differences sources.  Use the APA style for references (see Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook (2003) by Winkler and McCuen).

Topic Paper #3 is due at the end of week #6.

Grading for Topic Papers:  The grading for each paper will consist of 80% for content and 20% for readability/grammar/spelling. The points for each specific section of the topic paper are identified in the Topic Paper Requirements section above.


Below is a list of possible topics for Topic Paper #3:

  • Security & Privacy Audits


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