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ISYE 495 Spring 2020


Term Project

Submission Due Date: 1pm on Tuesday21.04.2020


  • Submit this project as PDF and MS Excel via Moodle by 1pm Tuesdayon 21st April 2020. Late submission of projects will be penalized with 5 points daily (max 7-day late submission permitted).
  • Please submit a cover page to your project, including your name, ID no, date.
  • Submit both PDF file for the report, and Excel sheet for the calculations and graphs, etc.
  • This is an individual project, so no collaboration is permitted.











Case Study on Reem Clinic Abu Dhabi (RCAD)

Patient Services Department Welcome Packet

The Reem Clinic Abu Dhabi (RCAD) is a clinic located at the Reem Island of the Abu Dhabi to address various complex care requirements of the population.RCAD has undertaken a number of marketing and population health projects to attract new patients. As part of this work, their leader has decided that it would be helpful for new patients to understand the breadth of RCAD services and to provide a tangible acknowledgment of their appreciation for choosing RCAD.Therefore, the Patient Services Department has developed a process to create a bag/packet for each new primary care patient in their system. The process includes 5 steps:

  • Station 1:Look up the new patient in the Electronic Record, generate name label.
  • Station 2:Grab RCAD bag and insert folder.
  • Station 3:Take folder out and add in general RCAD information.
  • Station 4: Look up patient’s age/sex and then proceed to shelf to grab the correct healthcare wellness item, add item to gift bag.
  • Station 5: Add bow to top of bag – inspect to assure that all items are correctly included.

They also collected particular data from Station 4 for 40 days to see if the process is in control in this particular station.

Five employees in Patient services met to create their first set of bags as an experiment. They collected processing data for the first 20 bags and the data is included in the Excel sheet, ‘RCAD Patient Packet Process Data.xls’. Throughput data was also collected on every 5th bag. The team noticed that their process was not very efficient and many of the team spent too much time waiting.

Analyze the current process and make improvement suggestions with the use of quality improvement and analytics tools.




Element % Description Note
(a) Analysis and results in a PDF file 60% Use all required calculations and analysis to indicate your answers and suggestions to the questions. Make each step clear and legible.  Provide the content coherently organized, with effective transitions between each step in analysis and conclusion.

Assume you send this report to the shareholders of the RCAD to convince them that your analysis and suggestions are realistic. Assume you are a new intern, and would be promoted if you are found successful.

(b) Analysis and results in an Excel file and overall quality of the whole Excel spread sheet  


Well-designed and easy to follow logic. Make sure results are reflected regarding the given case.



Writing rubric:



− No spelling and grammatical errors.

− Content coherently organised, with effective transitions between sections.

− Prose uniformly very clear and easy to read, and with distinctive style.


Very good

− No spelling and grammatical errors.

− Content coherently organised; transitions often effective.

− Prose generally clear and easy to read.



− No spelling and grammatical errors.

− Content mostly coherently organised; transitions sometimes effective.

− Prose mostly clear and moderately easy to read.


Minimum acceptable

− Some spelling and grammatical errors.

− Content organised, though with some incoherence; transitions attempted.

− Prose readable with minimal difficulty.



− Many spelling and grammatical errors.

− Poor organisation (or no attempt at organisation).

− Prose difficult to read or comprehend.




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