Give a brief introduction to the chosen topic area. Explain your topic choice within the wider context of global healthcare such as | Homework Help

Give a brief introduction to the chosen topic area. Explain your topic choice within the wider context of global healthcare such as government directives, political influences and global health concerns.

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Formulate two answerable questions by using PICOT tool. The first question is an intervention, diagnostic, aetiology or prognostic question and the second question is a meaning question.
Search for empirical research that relates to the chosen topic area. Choose two pieces of research evidence which adopt different research methodologies e.g. one which is qualitative

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Give a brief introduction to the chosen topic area. Explain your topic choice within the wider context of global healthcare such as | Homework Help
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(phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, critical theory), one that is quantitative methodology (randomized control trial, survey, experimental design, cohort study) or one that is a review (systematic, critical). Try to choose relevant and contemporary pieces of research from a peer reviewed journal.
Explain your literature search strategy and how you chose your final two pieces of evidence.

Critically appraise each article using an appropriate critical appraisal framework choosing from the selection that you have been introduced to on the module (Evidence Based Practice). Carefully explain the strengths and weaknesses of each article discussing its relative applicability to your chosen area of professional practice.

Discuss how the findings of your chosen literature are relevant to your area of professional practice and how it may influence your area of work.

Discuss how this evidence may be transferred to practice area. Once again use the tools (PICOT, FAME & ARCC) to develop a personal action plan, which is included in the assignment about how you could transfer evidence to practice.

Summarize your work and tell us what you have learnt from undertaking this module (EBP Evidence Based Practice)


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