Find the independent variable of the experiment | Homework Help

1) Before scientific questions can be answered, they must first be converted to hypotheses, which can be tested. For each of the following questions, write an explanatory hypothesis. Recall that the hypothesis is a statement that explains the phenomenon you are interested in investigating.

a) Does cell phone usage reduce auditory function?

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b) Do offspring of mothers who jog each day have a mental advantage over offspring of sedentary mothers?

2) Chris wanted to test the effect of diet pills on how tall the tomato plants in his garden would grow. He took two pots, filled them with dirt from the same bag, and planted four tomato plants in each. He watered one planter with tap water, and he watered the other planter with tap water mixed with dissolved diet pills. The plants were in the same location to ensure they got the same amount of sunlight, and the water was measured so that each pot received the same amount of water. He measured their height at the end of each week for eight weeks, and averaged the height of the four plants in each pot. He then graphed the results to show how the diet pills affected the height of the plants.

a. What is the independent variable of this experiment?

b. What is the dependent variable of this experiment?

c. What is the control?

d. List the constants in this experiment.

e. Write a prediction for this experiment in the If/Then style.



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