Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction. | Homework Help


This is your second session with the Robertsons. Dan appears to be resistant to family counseling; he refuses to accept responsibility for his choices that have caused so many family problems. Dan states, “If I have a drug or alcohol problem, it’s because of them. She won’t clean the house and he’s failing school. I don’t have the problem. They do.” Dan leaves the session. Marie states, “He expects the house to be clean, but most days I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. I just want to sleep.” Peter states, “He’s always nagging me about the Fs on my report card, but no one helps me with my homework so I don’t even try anymore.”

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Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction. | Homework Help
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In your report of the session, you will describe the following:

  • How will you engage Marie and Peter even though Dan is not ready to participate?
  • Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction.
  • Identify the appropriate interventions for family recovery.


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