Eight Guiding Principles | Excelling Homework

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Unit 2: Integrated Marketing and Unit 4: Operating a Small Business Effectively from your course textbook, Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business. In addition, read the following article, Up to code: Does your company’s conduct meet world-class standards? (Links to an external site.).

The retrieved article above proposes a set of guiding principles organizations of all sizes can use to guide organization conduct at all levels. The principles are also useful as a starting point for developing an ethics policy tailored to a specific organization. Critique the article using the following as a guide:
Do the proposed standards have worldwide applicability? Why or why not?
The proposed code is framed by eight guiding principles. Are these principles adequate to define world-class ethics standards? If not, what is lacking?
Would you use the eight guiding principles as a foundation to guide behavior in your organization, or are the guiding principles more applicable to large, established organizations?
Offer a link to a video or an article that provides additional information about the codex discussed above or about other approaches used to define ethical business behavior.
Glackin, C.,

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Eight Guiding Principles | Excelling Homework
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