Create a Facebook in Which Will Have Test News Feed Project Hi, please find attached of the requirement. To create a FaceBook project where it collects dif

Create a Facebook in Which Will Have Test News Feed Project Hi, please find attached of the requirement. To create a FaceBook project where it collects different posts like message post, picture post and story post and add all these posts to an array list and then display.Thanks We are going to create a FaceBook project where it collects different posts
like message post, picture post and story post and add all these posts to an
array list and then display.
For each post , there will be likes, dislikes and comments. (likes is saved in
variable and comments is saved in an array list)
Your project should have a parent class , Post , child classes MessagePost,
PicturePost and StoryPost .
It also has NewsFeed class to add the post to an arraylist and display the Posts.
It has TestNewsFeed class where you create different Post objects , pass them
to NewsFeed class to add to the Post list and display.
Your project should have the following structure. Follow the instructions
carefully to complete the project. Before you start coding, try to understand
the project structure completely.
public class Post {
private String username;
private int likes;
private long timestamp;
private ArrayList comments;
public Post(String user) {
username = user;
likes = 0;
timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
comments = new ArrayList();
public void like()
//add code here increment likes here
public void unlike()
//add code here to decrement likes here
public void addComment(String commenttext)
//add code here to add commenttext to comments array list
public long getTimeStamp()
return timestamp;
public void display() {
System.out.println (timestring(timestamp));
System.out.println(likes + ” like this”);
//add code here to go through the comments arraylist and and print
them all
private String timestring(long liketime) {
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = current-liketime;
return (diff+” “+ “secs ago”);
// here is the complete implementation of PicturePost class
public class PicturePost extends Post{
private String filename;
private String caption;
public PicturePost(String user, String file,String caption){
public void display() {
// here is the partial implementation of MessagePost class
public class MessagePost extends Post {
private String message;
public MessagePost(String user,String text) {
//add code here to call super and pass user
//add code here to assign text to message
public void display() {
// add code to call display() of the parent
//add code to print message using system.out
//add code here to implement StoryPost class .. i leave it to your
public class NewsFeed {
ArrayList postList;
public NewsFeed() {
postList = new ArrayList();
public void addpost(Post p){
//add code here to add any Post to the arraylist postList
public void show() {
for (Post p : postList) {
public class TestNewsFeed {
public static void main(String[] args)
NewsFeed nf = new NewsFeed();
//Creating MessagePost object
Post post = new MessagePost(“John”,”I cooked pasta today”);;;
//Pass MessagePost to addpost() method to add to arraylist.
//Add code here to create PicturePost object , pass it to addpost()
method to add to arraylist.
//Add code here to create StoryPost object , pass it to addpost() method
to add to arraylist.
//below code shows all the posts;

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Create a Facebook in Which Will Have Test News Feed Project Hi, please find attached of the requirement. To create a FaceBook project where it collects dif
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