3 pages 3 referencesBased on your review of the data, you ha

3 pages 3 referencesBased on your review of the data, you ha.
3 pages 3 referencesBased on your review of the data, you have identified 3 key areas ofconcern that you would like to address as part of the qualityimprovement initiative. If not addressed, these areas of concern mayaffect the organizations accreditation and/or profitability: Patients are having to wait for extended periods of time in the emergency room (ER).AKT is not implementing effective capacity management strategies for the resources that are currently available.There are a high number of readmissions due to patients being discharged too early.You decide to work with staff and management to develop and implementnew policies that are grounded in evidence-based practice (EBP). Tocommunicate the new policies with the staff, you will write a 2-pagememo addressing the areas of concern and the new EBP policies that nowbe in place. In the memo, address the following:Discuss the 3 areas of concern and how these can affect accreditation and/or financial status of the organization.What is evidence-based practice?How can evidence-based practice approaches be used to improve health care outcomes?A set of new policies and procedures that includes 2-3strategies based on EBP approaches for each area of concern that will beeffective immediatelyThe memo should cite specific examples from the research reviewed regarding EBP approaches to resolving the issues.
3 pages 3 referencesBased on your review of the data, you ha

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