1. What are the four forms of law and what are the heritages linked to these forms of law? 2.
1. What are the four forms of law and what are the heritages linked to these forms of law?
2. Will leaving the country make an American businessman immune to U.S. laws? Provide an example from current events to support your answer.
3. International marketers often need to collect certain types of information not normally collected by domestic marketing researchers. Unisys Corporation gives some guidance about the kind of information that organizations need to collect in the international environment. List and briefly discuss each of the five types of information suggested by the Unisys Corporation model.
4. With references to international marketing research, discuss the various problems related to the availability and use of secondary data.
5. What are the various advantages and disadvantages of the decentralization of the international marketing research function?
6. Describe the political and economic changes affecting global marketing. Provide an example from current events to support your answer.
7. List and briefly describe the various factors that promote the economic growth of newly industrialized countries (NICs)?
8. In the context of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), explain the term “rules of origin.”
9. Successful economic union requires favorable economic, political, cultural, and geographic factors. Briefly describe these four factors.
10. What are BOPMs? According to C. K. Prahalad, why have they been ignored by international marketers?
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